Worker struck by the grader

In June 2020, a grader was doing road works at a construction site when it struck a worker who suffered serious leg injuries.
Investigations into the incident are ongoing.

Preventing a similar incident

Where powered mobile plant or vehicles are moving in and around the workplace, there is a risk they may come into contact with people. Often when a mobile plant hits a person serious or fatal injury occurs. The risk to people increases when the operator’s visibility is impaired due to travel direction, or size and shape of the plant.

Powered mobile plant includes but is not limited to earthmoving machinery (e.g. rollers, graders, scrapers, and bobcats), excavators, and mobile cranes. People required to work around a powered mobile plant may also be exposed to excessive noise and vibration, as well as hazardous fumes. WHS Regulation requires specific control measures to be implemented by the person with management or control of powered mobile plant at the workplace where it is reasonably practicable to do so.

Read more… (“QLD Govt eSafe Incident Alert”)